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The Voice Of Animals Foundation (VOAF) is a Registered Foundation based in northern Thailand.
Michael Chour, the director and founder, is dedicated to rescuing stray, hurt and abused street dogs of Thailand.  
From the back of a motor cycle without a dedicated rescue structure to 2 rescue facilities housing 500 dogs/cats and a community service that has grown over the years, now encompassing over 1000 street dogs.


1. Help stray pets and dogs that have been abandoned in Thailand.
2. Improve the well-being of animals such as stray dogs, neglected or abused animals.
3. Help relevant people to better understand the problem of stray dogs and abandoned or abused animals. to be able to provide assistance
4. To be a source of information on the protection of various species of animals.
5. Help with housing of stray pets and dogs Support the actions of those responsible for caring for stray dogs in order to benefit society. Awaken public awareness, assess, analyze and solve problems in the present society.
6. Gather experiences in social assistance work with those who are directly affected.
7. Develop Leadership Skills And don't hesitate to do the right thing with others.
8. Encourage everyone to take care and love their pets. Responsible for pets and dogs raised in accordance with animal welfare principles.
9. Raise public awareness of the stray dog population problem. For them to learn how to control and reduce the number of stray dogs by birth control / sterilization of pets and stray dogs.
10. Develop a positive attitude towards stray pets and dogs. Do not hurt or hit animals but provide protection Provide shelter for stray pets and dogs to reduce their numbers in the community.
11. Reduce the risk of large outbreaks of rabies in different communities.
12. Reduce the risk of adults and children being bitten or attacked by stray dogs.
13. Campaign for people to conserve Thai dog breeds, raise and adopt stray dogs according to animal welfare principles.
14. Promote activities and public utility projects for animal welfare according to national policies.
15. Lead or participate in activities conducted by charitable or public organizations.
16. Not involved in any political activities
